TMGD Mühendislik

About TMGD TR Engineering

TMGD TR; With the entry into force of the European Conventions for the International Transport of Dangerous Goods in our country, it has become the pioneer of the sector with the consultancy services provided in this field that requires high engineering expertise. TMGD TR, 30.06.2015 It is the first institutional Dangerous Goods Safety Consultancy organization to grow service before the obligation to have a Dangerous Goods Safety Consultant.

TMGD TR Mühendislik, which has created its branding and system with high experience, prefers to work with confidence, TMGD TR Mühendislik ensures that its institution is built primarily for high protectionist and families against all organizations that constitute its principal companies, and in this way, it obtains positive added value for companies in order to provide it.

Our Mission and Final Goal

To provide complete engineering and consultancy services with high quality by adhering to our founding principle.

We take a reliable, consistent stance and observe the image of the company.

Employees' attitudes, behaviors and appearances, their relations with third parties and the activities they take part in should not adversely affect the image of TMGD TR.

TMGD TR Group personnel protect customer privacy indefinitely.

Information belonging to customers cannot be used for personal benefits and as TMGD TR, we ensure 100% confidentiality by making an indefinite confidentiality agreement with the staff.

TMGD TR Group personnel protect customer privacy indefinitely.

Information belonging to customers cannot be used for personal benefits and as TMGD TR, we ensure 100% confidentiality by making an indefinite confidentiality agreement with the staff.

Written and verbal communication is followed within the framework of respect and courtesy.

TMGD TR employees conduct business relationships without personalization. Relationships that lead to personal hostility and quarrels that negatively affect the business atmosphere are unacceptable.