Explosion Protection Document services are provided by the Chemical Evaluation Experts, Dangerous Goods Safety Consultants and Specially Trained and Authorized PKD Experts in the expert TMGD TR PKD team in the fastest and most convenient way.

What is Explosion Protection Document(EPD)?

Explosion protection document is that must be prepared in all companies that have flammable, combustible and explosive chemicals as a legal requirement and must be shown to the inspectors during the inspections of the Ministry's Labor Inspection Board.

If the explosion protection document, which has become mandatory with the law "Regulation on the Protection of Employees from the Dangers of Explosive Environments", is not prepared, penal action is applied. This prompted the company and production facility owners to prepare quickly.

Is it necessary to Prepare an Explosion Protection Document?

Within the scope of the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 dated 20/6/2012, published in the Official newpaper dated April 30, 2013 and numbered 28633, "REGULATION ON THE PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEE FROM THE HAZARDS OF EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENTS", in the establishments where there is a possibility of explosive atmosphere (gas and dust explosions) It is obligatory to prepare an Explosion Protection Document.

What Should Be Considered While Preparing Explosion Protection Document(EPD)?

EPD is a necessery document to be prepared in industrial production facilities, chemical industries, cosmetic production areas and places where flammable-explosive-flammable chemicals are present. if it is not possible to prevent an explosive environment due to the work done, it is prepared to create a special area in these areas, not to risk the health and safety of the employees, and by paying attention to the equipment in these designated areas.

After the explosion risks are evaluated, suitable areas are determined and thus, the ground is prepared for the employees to work more comfortably and healthily in the work environment. Explosion protection document is a must for many facilities in today's conditions and it is a document that must be prepared on time.

The most important detail for the production facilities that take action for the EPD regulation, which is not considered too old yet, is to prepare the document correctly or to have it prepared. You can contact our expert team and request that they prepare an explosion protection document that will ensure the safety of your workplace and ensure the health of your employees. Contact us by filling out the "Offer Form" to get a price quote.


Explosion protection document is the sum of the documents stating what the employees in the workplace should do in case of a possible explosion and what should be done to prevent an explosion. These documents are based on the health and safety of employees. ATEX is a word formed from the combination of the first syllables of the French words “ATmosphéres EXplosives”. ATEX certificate is an international certificate for the place where products used in flammable and easily flammable environments are made.

Why is Explosion Protection Document Necessary?

In an emergency, if the personnel in the business does not know how to act, loss of life and property may occur. In order to prevent such incidents as loss of life and property, these enterprises should also prepare an Explosion Protection Document and take the necessary precautions in the light of this document.

The Explosion Protection Document is that specifies the requirements to prevent damage to the personnel in the enterprise, to minimize the risk of any explosion in the work machines, and to prevent the damages that may occur in dangerous situations as much as possible.

It is the employer's responsibility to define a hazardous area in environments containing flammable explosive materials and to prepare an explosion protection document. Within the scope of the Occupational Health and Safety Law dated 20.06.2012 and numbered 6331, establishments that do not have an Explosion Protection Document may be subject to suspension of activity and administrative fines up to 189,659 TL. This penalty increases every year at the rate of re-evaluation.

Which facilities need EPD?

An Explosion Protection Document is prepared for all businesses that have or are likely to have Flammable – Combustible Gas/Liquid/Dust.


In detail, sectoral and regional;



* LPG and other petroleum products production, filling and distribution facilities

*flour mills

*Transformer factories

*Compressed flammable gas cylinder tanks

*Electrical devices and equipment factories

* Workplaces with oven or electrostatic paint

*Raw leather factories

*Some parts of battery factories

*Olive oil and other oil mills

* Paint and thinner factories

*Chemical analysis laboratories

*Printing houses

*Pharmaceutical industry

*Chemical material warehouses

* Battery charging areas of the facilities

* Fuel storage tanks

Why and How Often Should an Explosion Protection Document (EPD) Be Revised?

Changes in chemicals, processes or equipment may cause changes in hazardous areas. This change may require revision and revision of the Explosion Protection Document.

For example;

-New source of discharge after a change in the process,

- As a result of chemical change or process change, the chemical enters the flammable category,

-Change in process pressure,

-New discharge sources that emerge with the changes to be experienced in the operation steps,

-Change in ventilation conditions used in the hazardous area,

- When there are changes in the equipment and instruments used in the hazardous area within the scope of process improvement or revision, the Explosion Protection Document should be revised and finalized.

In addition, the Explosion Protection Document (EPD) should be reviewed and revised after the changes in the standards. When the good practice examples of international organizations are examined, it is seen that revision and revision studies are carried out every five years without any change.

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